Dave Etter is the author of thirty-three books of poetry, including four from Red Dragonfly Press, THE LIONTAMER'S DAUGHTER (2008), DANDELIONS (2010), BLUE RAIN (2012), and THE YELLOW HOUSE (2014). He has published his poems in numerous American and foreign magazines, anthologies, and textbooks and his work has been translated into German, Polish, and Japanese. Among his awards are the Carl Sandburg, Society of Midland Authors, Theodore Roethke (from Poetry Northwest), Illinois Sesquicentennial, and Chicagoland magazine prizes. Etter's Alliance, Illinois and Sunflower County poems have been performed on stage by college, high school, and little theater groups throughout Illinois. He lives in Lanark, Illinois, with his wife, Peggy, and a handsome male cat named Georgie, who has become the heart and soul of their house on East Locust Street.