25 books • 1 series
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Deterministic Computer Experiments
Riverstone & Blood
Video Games Played Daily
Design of Experiments
Small Sins
Punny or Not Book of Puns
Design of Experiment: A Modern Approach, 1e Abridged Bound Print Companion with Wiley E-Text Reg Card Set
Elements of Practical Aerodynamics (Classic Reprint)
Central Bank Reserve Management and International Financial Stability-Some Post-Crisis Reflections
Institutionalizing Countercyclical Investment
Asset Bubbles
Asset Bubbles: Re-Thinking Policy for the Age of Asset Management
Identifying Speculative Bubbles
Writing Stored Procedures with Microsoft SQL Server
Identifying Speculative Bubbles : A Two-Pillar Surveillance Framework
Securitization: Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead
Handbook in Design of Experiments (Wiley Handbooks in Applied Statistics)
Optimal Design of Experiments
Modern Experimental Design Methods and How to Use Them
Sams Teach Yourself the C# Language in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself C# in 21 Days
Data Modeling with Erwin
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