31 books • 3 series
Discover Netscape Communicator (Discover S.)
Lotus 123 Release X for Windows
Microsoft Works for Windows 95 (Visual learning guides)
Quicken 5 for Windows (Visual learning guides)
Cruising the Microsoft Network
WinFax Pro for Windows 95
Cruising America Online 2.5
Access for Windows 95
Powerpoint for Windows 95
Excel for Windows 4
WinCom Pro (Visual learning guides)
WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows 3.1
WORD for Windows 4
Windows 95
Act! 2.0 for Windows
Microsoft Office Book Set
Cruising America Online (Prima visual learning guides)
The Internet for Windows (Visual learning guides)
WinFax Pro 4 Visual Learning Guide (Prima visual learning guides)
Powerpoint 4.0 (Prima visual learning guides)
EXCEL for Windows
Excel 5 for the Mac Visual Learning Guide
Ami Pro 4.0
1-2-3 Release 4.0 for Windows