19 books • 1 series
Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X
Comedy Chronicles
The Dragon that spits fire and verse
The Adventures of the Unicorn Detective Agency
The Magical Forest
Unicorn Tales
Timmy and the Ghost's Adventures
Fibromyalgia Diet
War Fever
If You Can't Read.
Sir John The (Mostly) Brave & Cap'n John The (Slightly) Fie
Sir Johnthe Brave & Cap'n John The (slightly) Fierc
Blood Brothers
Sheriff John the (Partly) Wild (John Smith is NOT Boring!, #4)
Spaceman John the (Nearly) Bold (John Smith is NOT Boring!, #3)
Sir John the (Mostly) Brave (John Smith is NOT Boring!, #2)
Cap'n John the (Slightly) Fierce (John Smith is NOT Boring!, #1)
Complete Jonny Smith Approach To Guitar