A 7-time Readers' Favorite Medal Winner. USA Today Bestselling Author. Mom to a half-feral princess. WOC. Former scientist. Recovering geek.Lucy Leroux is the steamy pen name for author L.B. Gilbert. Ten years ago Lucy moved to France for a one-year research contract. Six months later she was living with a handsome Frenchman and is now married with an adorable half-french 7 year old who won't go to bed on time.When her last contract ended Lucy turned to writing. Frustrated by a particularly bad romance novel she decided to write her own. Her family lives in Southern California.Lucy loves all genres of romance and intends to write as many of them as possible. To date, she has published twenty novels and novellas. These include paranormal, urban fantasy, gothic regency, and contemporary romances with more on the way. Subscribe to the Lucy Leroux Newsletter for a free full-length book! www.authorlucyleroux.com/newsletter