Richard Stivers is Distinguished Professor of Sociology Emeritus at Illinois State University. He is the author of Hair of the Dog: Irish Drinking and Its American Stereotype; Evil in Modern Myth and Ritual; The Culture of Cynicism: American Morality in Decline; Technology As Magic; The Illusion of Freedom and Equality; and The Media Creates Us in Its Image and Other Essays on Technology and Culture. He gave three lectures based on three of his books to the European Commission in 2006. J. M. van der Laan is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at Illinois State University. His expertise extends from German literature, in particular Faust, to the role of technology in contemporary life. His various publications address a wide range of topics such as printing in the first hundred years after Gutenberg, eighteenth-century essays, nineteenth-century science fiction, and technology in culture, literature, and society.