Known for his practical approach to spiritual formation, Patrick Allen addresses how the Christian faith can be shaped and formed by intentional practices--particularly used for small groups, discipleship, and spiritual growth. He is regarded as one of the best storytellers in the Northwest. Patrick is the author of Morning Resolve: To Live a Simple, Sincere, and Serene Life (2015), and a companion volume, For Today: A Prayer when Life Gets Messy (2018), as well as The Good Shepherd, Gentle Guide & Gracious Host: Meditations and Metaphors from the Twenty-Third Psalm (2020), all published by Cascade Press. Patrick and his wife, Lori, reside in Newberg, Oregon.
Jul 31, 1991
Cover of Gulf War

Gulf War

Aug 10, 1990
Cover of Screaming Eagles

Screaming Eagles

Jul 1988
Cover of Wessex
