(First and Second Staatsexamen, Gi?ttingen and Fulda) is Oberstudienri?tin (German, English, Physical Education) at the Werner-von-Siemens Gymnasium in Bad Harzburg, Germany. She taught German at all levels of instruction at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and she was a Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. She is co-author of Assoziationen: Deutsch fi?r die Mittelstufe and the series Lextra Englisch Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz nach Themen. Her main interests are: the role of vocabulary in language learning, reading strategies, and the role of art in language teaching. She has been a certified ACTFL OPI tester since 1989.