Sharron McClellan always wanted to be a writer. There were two things she had always loved: writing and science. In college, she thought about being a marine biologist, but there was the whole shark issue. Instead, she discovered the joys of playing in the dirt - a profession more commonly known as archology. For years, she focused on excavating ancient sites that included projectile points, burn pits and the occasional burial.

But her focus came back to writing when she took a position during the archological off-season and ended up answering phones for a cruise line. It was during that time that she took to reading romance. It wasn't long before she fell in love with the genre and returned to her first love - writing. Two years later, she finished her first book - which she now only brings out when she wants a giggle. Two years after that, she sold her second book and become a full-fledged writer.

Today, Sharron lives in Texas, writes full time and dabbles in archology. She loves cats but doesn't share her small abode with any since she adores travel and doesn't think it would be fair to the small darlings. She believes in hard work, patience, and swears that her Muse spends most of her time in the bar down the street drinking gin and tonic with extra lime.