Having been involved with secret organizations on either side of the law, Mr. Grant is experienced in a wide array of clandestine operations. Some he can't talk about. Some he dares not mention. He knows more about DEA gray-room operations than he should; ditto for the highly competitive world of industrial espionage. Bribes and favors are solicited and paid in all segments of society; from Main Street to Wall Street, from the ballot box to the highest levels of government. Don't ask him how he knows--he won't tell you. As a student of history and human nature Mr. Grant's quest for knowledge took him far beyond America's shores. He learned old-world countries are far more adapt at applying furtive tactics--it is in the genes of their countrymen and part of their culture. He believes by combining tried and true policies of the past in a modern-day stratagem The Club can save America from the fate all other countries suffered--each in turn, they rose to prominence and then, with the passing of time, ended up on the ash heap of suffering, misery, and heartbreak.