551 books • 2 series
The first Book of the Hitopadesa
Agricultural Statistics of Ireland 1895
Daniels Brothers - Amateur Gardeners
Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals
The Midland Monthly
Acceleration of the Irish Day Mails
Inspector of Reformatory Schools of Ireland
Report on District
Tableau Encyclopédique et Methodique des trois Régnes de la Nature
St. Anselm's Book of Meditations and Prayers
Heilsame Erinnerungen und Betrachtungen
Ceremonial for the use of the Catholic churches in the United States of America
The Naples
The Songs of Scotland
A New Pocket Companion for Oxford
Jahrbücher der Königlichen Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt
UEber das Leben und den CHarakter der Kaiserin von Russland Katharina
The Gentleman's magazine
Amtsblatt des Regierungsprasidenten in Gumbinnen
Annalen der Verbreitung des Glaubens
Programm des Koeniglichen Gymnasiums zu Kreuznach
Meteorological Stations and Observers of the Smithsonian Institution in North America and Adjacent Islands
Biographisches Denkmal Risbecks
Raccolta Delle Opere Minori