27 books • 5 series
Harry Kane
It's Never Too Late
Child Guidance
The Forgotten Front
The Godfather, Part II (BFI Film Classics)
Road Trip to Nowhere
Want a Good Retirement?
Help Save America
Can I Help You
True Swamp 2: Anywhere But In . . .
Hard-Boiled Hollywood
Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea I (Argyresthiidae, Attevidae, Praydidae, Scythropiidae, and Yponomeutidae) (World Catalogue of Insects, #12)
The Road to Romance and Ruin (Routledge Library Editions: Cinema)
Essential Cinema
How We Didn't Buy a House in Besancon
Mammoth Book of How It Happened - Everest
The Godfather (BFI Film Classics)
American Film
Power of Six
The Mammoth Book of the West
Hollywood v. Hard Core
Whom God Wishes to Destroy
The Tyranny of Virtue
True Swamp (True Swamp, #2)