Ian Fisher has spent a lifetime making television. After switching from radio news and production he became a television news reporter and presenter, learning his trade over a decade in which he covered stories which ranged from the mundane to events on the night of the Lockerbie Disaster. After becoming a Producer and Director he specialised in factual, documentary and science programmes, winning a raft of awards and nominations from organisations such as The New York Film & Television Festival, The Royal Television Society, BAFTA, and the British Medical Association Film Awards amongst others. He quickly learned that the process of making television in a sometimes unpredictable world is fraught with banana skins, and his keen observational powers found humour in most situations. The predominant sound around him was laughter, and it's ingrained into the very substance of this book. Yet there are times when even the most highly developed sense of humour fails; when events are too tragic to fully comprehend. Two of the most difficult were the Lockerbie Disaster, which saw him lead the first television crew into the flames and smoke of the town within minutes of the crash, and the funeral of an 11 year-old girl, murdered by one of Britain's most notorious child killers.