57 books • 3 series
Joe Kissell has written numerous books about the Macintosh, including many popular Take Control ebooks. He's also Senior Editor of TidBITS and a Senior Contributor to Macworld, and previously spent ten years in the Mac software industry.
Take Control of Upgrading to Catalina
Take Control of Parallels Desktop 12
Take Control of Upgrading to Sierra
Speeding Up Your Mac
Troubleshooting Your Mac
Maintaining Your Mac
Backing Up Your Mac
Take Control of Security for Mac Users
Digital Sharing for Apple Users: A Take Control Crash Course
Take Control of Filevault
Take Control of Automating Your Mac
Take Control of the Cloud
Take Control of Your Online Privacy
Take Control of Upgrading to Yosemite
Take Control of Your Passwords
Take Control of 1password
Take Control of Crashplan Backups
Take Control of Upgrading to Mavericks
Take Control of Calendar Syncing and Sharing with Busycal
Take Control of Upgrading to Mountain Lion
Take Control of Dropbox
Take Control of Icloud
Take Control of Thanksgiving Dinner