David Pollard was born under a hospital bed during the blitz in 1942 and brought up a Londoner. After working in the furniture trade and serving his articles for accountancy, he fled to the University of Sussex where he was given his three degrees in literature, the history of ideas and philosophy. The last of these, a doctorate, awarded on his fortieth birthday, was published as The Poetry of Keats: Language and Experience. He worked at the Universities of Essex and Sussex and spent a year at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as a Lady Davis Scholar. He has also published the KWIC Concordance to the Harvard Edition of Keats’ Letters as well as other work on Keats, Blake and Nietzsche. His latest, Nietzsche’s Footfalls, is a meditation on the philosopher and his times and came out in 2003. He has also reviewed extensively in the fields of both philosophy and literature. Apart from a Waterloo Sampler, this is Pollard’s first book of poetry although his work has appeared in: Omphalos, Tears in the Fence, Aletheia, Fire, Eratica, Eclipse and Poetry Monthly. He is curently writing a comparison of Blake and Nietzsche and his holiday task is a historical novel, The Memoirs of Herod Agrippa II.