David Oates writes about nature and urban life from Portland, Oregon. His poetry has won awards (Badonnah Award from Bitterroot Poetry [New York], finalist for Pablo Neruda Long Poem Award from Nimrod [Oaklahoma]), and appeared in many places including Poetry/LA, Yellow Silk, ISLE, Fireweed, Windfall, and California Poetry Quarterly. His book Peace in Exile: Poems was published by Oyster River Press (Durham, NH and Santa Barbara, CA). He is also author of four books of nonfiction, including Paradise Wild: Reimagining American Nature (Oregon State University Press, 2003). He was Kittredge Distinguished Visiting Writer at the University of Montana in 2012. He won first place for essay from Northern Colorado Writers in August of 2014 and a Pushcart nomination. He leads the Wild Writers Seminars in Portland, and teaches workshops and graduate classes in the United States and Europe.