Kate Light is a librettist, lyricist and poet in New York City. She is a member of the BMI-Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop, where she is at work on two musicals. She is also a professional violinist and a member of the orchestra of The New York City Opera.

Kate’s works include the libretto of “The Life and Love of Joe Coogan,” an opera adapted from an episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show (composer: Paul Salerni); Metamorphoses, a musical-in-progress based on Ovid’s life and work (composer, Masatora Goya); the texts of Oceanophony and Einstein's Mozart: Two Geniuses, for narrator and musicians; and three volumes of poetry, Gravity's Dream (Donald Justice Award), Open Slowly, and The Laws of Falling Bodies (Nicholas Roerich Prize, Story Line Press). Her lyrics for the song “Here Beside Me” are heard in Disney’s Mulan II.

From homepage bio @ www.katelight.com/bio.html