Steve Lambert was born in Louisiana and grew up in Florida. His writing has appeared in Saw Palm, Chiron Review, New World Writing, The Pinch, Broad River Review, Longleaf Review, Emrys Journal, BULL Fiction, Into the Void, Cortland Review, and many other places. In 2015 he won third-place in Glimmer Train's Very Short Fiction contest and in 2018 he won Emrys Journal's Nancy Dew Taylor Poetry Prize. He is the recipient of four Pushcart Prize nominations and was a Rash Award in Fiction finalist. He is the author of the poetry collections Heat Seekers (2017) and The Shamble (2021), the chapbook In Eynsham (2020), and the fiction collection The Patron Saint of Birds (2020). His novel, Philisteens, was released in 2021. He and his wife live in Northeast Florida.
Jan 1, 1985
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