Arthur Wing Pinero was born in London in 1855, abandoned the legal profession for acting in 1874 and had his first play produced in 1877. His first major success, The Magistrate (1855), which he also directed, was followed by two more farces, The Schoolmistress (1886) and Dandy Dick (1887), and a comedy, Sweet Lavender (1888), which ran for 683 performances. The Profligate (1889), his first problem play, heralded two more, The Second Mrs. Tanqueray (1893) and The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith (1895), both of which starred Mrs. Patrick Campbell. After Trelawny of the 'Wells' (1898), his popularity was sustained with such plays as His House in Order (1906), and Mid-Channel in 1909, the year of his knighthood. Thereafter his success on stage lessened, though he lived to a respected 79, dying in 1934.