Evelyn Toynton is the author of three novels: Modern Art (published by Delphinium, selected as a New York Times Notable Book of the Year and short-listed for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize;later published in Russian and Chinese translations);The Oriental Wife (optioned for a film, and published in a Greek translation), and Inheritance (starred reviews in Booklist and the Library Journal), and of a short biography of Jackson Pollock, part of the Yale University Press's Icons of America series. Her essays and reviews have appeared in the London Review of Books, Harper's, the Atlantic, the New York Times Book Review, the Washington Post Book World, the TLS, The American Scholar, The Threepenny Review, Prospect, and Salmagundi. They have also been published in the anthologies Rereadings;Mentors, Muses & Monsters;Novel Writing: An Artists' and Writers' Companion;and Table Talk from the Threepenny Review. Toynton has received fellowships from Yaddo, the Maison Dora Maar, the Djerassi Colony, The International Writers' and Translators' Center of Rhodes, and the Spiti tis Logotexnias in Paros. For the past twenty-five years, she has lived in England, on the North Norfolk coast.