48 books • 8 series
Art and Text
Theatricals and Tableaux Vivants for Amateurs
Art En Theorie 1900-1990
La Modernidad y Lo Moderno (Arte Contemporaneo, #1)
Painting the Difference
Slide Show
Blast to Freeze
Conceptual Art and Painting (Writing Art)
Roger Hilton
Modernism (Movements Mod Art)
Art in Theory 1815-1900
Modernism (Movements in Modern Art)
Grade Your Child's School
Modernism in Dispute (Open University: Modern Art - Practices & Debates, #4)
Primitivism, Cubism, Abstraction (Open University: Modern Art - Practices & Debates, #2)
Modernity and Modernism (Open University: Modern Art - Practices & Debates, #1)
Public Schools USA
Celebrating Literacy, Defending Literacy
Essays on Art & Language (Writing Art)
A Quiet Revolution
Shakespeare's Insistent Theme
English Art and Modernism, 1900-39 (The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art)
The Afghan Hound (Popular Dogs' Breed S.)
Neurotic Primate