58 books • 21 series
Finding Patterns Plant Patterns
A Journey Through My Heartland
Pirámides/Pyramids (A+ Bilinge/Bilingual: Figuras En 3-D/3-D Shapes)
Cilindros/Cylinders (A+ Bilinge/Bilingual: Figuras En 3-D/3-D Shapes)
Cubos/Cubes (A+ Bilinge/Bilingual: Figuras En 3-D/3-D Shapes)
Esferas/Spheres (A+ Bilinge/Bilingual: Figuras En 3-D/3-D Shapes)
India in Colors (World of Colors)
Pesados Y Ligeros/Heavy and Light (Animales Opuestos/Animal Opposites)
Animales Opuestos/Animal Opposites
Chicos Y Altos/Short and Tall (Animales Opuestos/Animal Opposites)
Egypt in Colors (A+ Books: World of Colors)
Australia in Colors (A+ Books: World of Colors)
Short and Tall (A+ Books: Animal Opposites)
Soft and Hard (A+ Books: Animal Opposites)
Heavy and Light (A+ Books: Animal Opposites)
High and Low (A+ Books: Animal Opposites)
Shapes Around Town (Shapes Around Town)
3-D Shapes Set (3-D Shapes)
Cubes (3-D Shapes (A+))
Cones (3-D Shapes (A+))
Spheres (3-D Shapes (A+))
Cylinders (3-D Shapes (A+))
Pyramids (3-D Shapes (A+))
Finding Patterns (Finding Patterns)