Jenna Rutland was born in Michigan, and spent three years living in California, before spending the rest of her childhood and young adulthood in Ohio. Now she lives in a small Michigan community with her husband, son, and senior cat. Her daughter and son-in-law have given Jenna the awesome title of grandmother! If you get within a mile of her, she'll lovingly deluge you with grandbaby pictures. Jenna credits her mother for the introduction of books. While most kids begged for candy at the grocery store checkout, Jenna pleaded for Little Golden books. She is thrilled to have passed the love of reading on to her children. While her days are spent working as a medical transcriptionist, her nights are filled writing contemporary romance-stories of love, laughter, and happily ever after. She is a member of RWA and is active in her local chapter. In addition to spending time with her family and friends, she enjoys reading and gardening, and loves the challenge of a new recipe.