Toni Schmader holds the Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology at the University of British Columbia. She received her Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and was previously a faculty member at the University of Arizona. She has held visiting positions at Harvard University and Aix-Marseille University. She is the director of UBC’s Social Identity Laboratory ( and of a Canada-wide research consortium known as Engendering Success in STEM (, aimed at evidence-based research to improve the representation of women in science and technology. Her research broadly examines how societal stereotypes and subtle biases constrain people’s thought, behavior, and performance. She has received awards for her teaching and mentoring of graduate students including the Dean’s Magellan Award for undergraduate teaching. She has served as an elected member of the executive boards of both the Society of Experimental Social Psychology and the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. She is the recipient of the Killam Research Prize and the Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Award.