PHILIPPA LANGLEY is a screenwriter and producer who inaugurated and led the successful archaeological search to locate King Richard III's grave in Leicester. Her 90 minute documentary about the search for King Richard with Channel Four / Darlow Smithson Productions was aired on 4th February 2013. Her screenplay Blood Royal on the life of King Richard, the most divisive, controversial monarch in British history, is based on Bosworth 1485: Psychology of a Battle, the seminal work on the battle by the historian Michael Jones, co-author of The King's Grave. With a supernatural thriller, Gemini Rising, in development with Better Pictures, Philippa is also writing The Council, a TV dramatization about the formation of the Christian Church and based upon a modern re-interpretation of the shocking events at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Philippa is a TAPS writer and finalist in Channel Four's Talent 'Son of the Pitch' competition and SWF's Scriptmarket. She is also a BAFTA Rocliffe shortlisted writer and regular contributor to the Richard III Society's Bulletin magazine. She won the Richard III Society's Robert Hamblin Award in 2012. She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland. The King's Grave is her first book.
Dec 25, 2023
Cover of The Lost King

The Lost King

Oct 3, 2013
Cover of The King's Grave

The King's Grave