Peter Jarvis is Professor of Continuing Education in the School of Educational Studies at the University of Surrey, UK. He is also Adjunct Professor of Adult Education at the University of Georgia, US. He has written widely on adult and continuing education. His books for Kogan Page include The Theory and Practice of Learning (with John Holford and Colin Griffin, 1998), The Age of Learning (2001), Learning in Later Life (2001) and Twentieth Century Thinkers in Adult and Continuing Education (2001).

In 1988, he was awarded the Cyril O Houle World Award for Literature in Adult Education by the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education. The other contributing authors on The Age of Learning, edited by Peter Jarvis, are all members of the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning in the School of Education Studies at the University of Surrey: Dr Thomas Black, Dr Bob Brownhill, Dr Colin Griffin, Dr John Holford, Professor Stephen McNair, Dr Linda Merricks, Professor Gill Nicholls, Dr Julia Preece, Dr Paul Tosey.