John Wilkins has been a web developer for a long time. In April 1993, he was one of the lucky few to use the very first graphical web browser, Mosaic 1.0, and he's been doing web development professionally since 1994. In 2005, John finally learned how idiotic it is to build your own web application framework and discovered the power of Drupal; he never looked back. In the Drupal community, he is best known as JohnAlbin, one of the top 20 contributors to Drupal 7 and the maintainer of the Zen theme, which is a highly-documented, feature-rich 'starter' theme with a powerfully flexible CSS framework. He has also written several front-end-oriented utility modules, such as the Menu Block module. John currently works with a bunch of really cool Drupal developers, designers, and themers at
Mar 29, 2014
Cover of Mercury
