Heather Hamel is an author, horse trainer, and teacher. While working her way through college to be a teacher, she discovered a passion for storytelling, and became a ghost tour guide in the historic and haunted town of St. Augustine, Florida. After teaching for a few years, she felt something was missing from her life. That something was a horse. Growing up with horses made Heather feel confident she was up for the challenge that a wild mustang named Kobi would bring. She learned quickly that when you own horses you become a part-time vet, part-time nutritionist, and full-time equestrian. As Heather continued to teach people and horses, she could not shake her love of storytelling. Today, she herds words, horses, students, and still finds time to tutor students with dyslexia. Heather has written numerous on-line horse articles, and two middle grade novels. Murder of Crows focuses on her love of history, ghosts, and storytelling, while Kobi: Memoirs of a Mustang is all about her beloved horse, and his trials with trying to understand humans. Heather has also starting to release her four book crypto-zoology series. Within Emerald Forests was released 3/10/15, Under Sapphire Skies on 6/11/15, Beneath Diamond Waters is scheduled for November 2015, and Across Ruby Fields in January 2016. Not slowing down one bit, she is editing and revising the sequel to Murder of Crows, which is titled Destruction of Wild Cat, and a short story about Kobi's pasture mate, Sugar.