107 books
How secure is our critical infrastructure?
Drugs, counterfeiting, and weapons proliferation
Russia and China
Illicit diamonds, conflict and terrorism
Nomination of Hon. Mark W. Everson
Investing in homeland security
Responding to the public health threat of West Nile virus
S. 159, a bill to elevate the Environmental Protection Agency to a cabinet-level department
Long-term care insurance for federal employees
DOD contractors who cheat on their taxes and what should be done about it
Does CMS have the right prescription?
Nomination of David H. Safavian
Bogus degrees and unmet expectations
Nomination of Admiral James M. Loy
Voicing the need for reform
Mutual funds
Then and now
S. 1358--the Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act
Assessing America's counterterrorism capabilities
International smuggling networks
How Saddam Hussein abused the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program
Oversight hearing on Section 529 college savings plans
Terrorism financing
Nomination of David M. Stone