45 books • 2 series
Neptune King and the Murdered Journalist
Neptune King and the Assassin
The Assorted Cases of Neptune King
Namaste, Neptune King
Neptune King and the Lonely Hearts Killer
The Many Faces of Neptune King
Neptune King and the Werewolf
Neptune King and the Murdered Children
Kidnapped (Andromeda Fox, #4)
A friend in Need (Andromeda Fox, #3)
Return to the Wild Frontier
Sherlock Holmes and the Femme Fatales
Neptune King At Home
Neptune King and the Burlesque Murder (Neptune King, #32)
Neptune King and the Mysterious Woman
Neptune King and the Super Hero (Neptune King, #30)
The Supernatural Cases of Neptune king (Neptune King, #29)
Neptune King and the Artifact (Neptune King, #28)
Neptune King and the Mysterious Monk (Neptune King, #27)
Neptune King and the Arsonist (Neptune King, #26)
The Miscellaneous Cases of Neptune King (Neptune King, #25)
Sherlock Holmes in the 21st Century
Neptune King and the Gallant Thief (Neptune King, #23)
Natural Progression