42 books • 1 series
A sermon upon justification
The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry, Considered in a Sermon on Mark VI. 34. Preached at Nottingham, in Pennsylvania, March 8. Anno 1739,40. by Gilbert Tennent
The good mans character and reward represented, and his loss deplor'd, together with reflections of the presages of approaching calamities. In a funeral discourse, with some enlargements occasioned by the death of Captain William Grant
All Things Come Alike to All
Love to Christ a necessary qualification in order to feed his sheep. A sermon preach'd at Neshaminie, December 14. 1743 before the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Charles Beatty.
A sermon preach'd at Philadelphia, January 7. 1747-8. Being the day appointed by the Honourable the president and Council, to be observed throughout this province, as a day of fasting and prayer.
A Solemn Warning to the Secure World, from the God of Terrible Majesty. Or, the Presumptuous Sinner Detected, His Pleas Consider'd, and His Doom Display'd
A Sermon Preach'd at Philadelphia, July 20. 1748. on a Funeral Occasion, Wherein the Absolute Certainty, and Great Moment, of the Doctrine of the Resurrection Are Proved and Illustrated
Some Account of the Principles of the Moravians
The Blessedness of Peace-Makers Represented; And the Danger of Persecution Considered; In Two Sermons, on Mat. V. 9. Preach'd at Philadelphia, the 3D Wednesday in May, 1759 by Gilbert Tennent
Remarks Upon a Protestation Presented to the Synod of Philadelphia, June 1. 1741. by Gilbert Tennent, A.M. and Minister of the Gospel in New-Brunswick, New-Jersey. [Two Lines from Proverbs].
Brotherly Love Recommended, by the Argument of the Love of Christ
Discourses, on Several Important Subjects. by Gilbert Tennent, A.M. Minister of the Gospel in Philadelphia.
Sermons and Essays by the Tennents and Their Contemporaries
The Late Association for Defence Farther Encouraged, Or, Defensive War Defended; And Its Consistency with True Christianity Represented in a
Twenty-Three Sermons Upon the Chief End of Man, the Divine Authority of the Sacred Scriptures, the Being and Attributes of God, and the
Twenty Three Sermons Upon the Chief End of Man
Sermons of the Log College