Walter Cunningham is perhaps best known as America's second civilian astronaut. He flew in space on Apollo 7, the first manned flight of the Apollo Program, and was Chief of the Skylab Branch of the Astronaut Office. Cunningham joined U.S. Navy in 1951 and became a Marine Corps fighter pilot in 1953, serving on active duty until 1956, and in the Marine Corps Reserve until 1977 when he retired with the rank of colonel, USMCR. Cunningham accumulated more than 4,500 hours of flying time, including more than 3,400 in jet aircraft and 263 hours in space. Cunningham is currently a successful businessman and investor and director of numerous public and private companies. He is a civic leader, is listed in all major Who's Who publications and is a recipient of numerous national and international honors. In addition he is a radio talk show host and frequent lecturer throughout the United States, Europe and Asia.