21 books
Hyperbolic Functions (Classic Reprint)
Experiments on Schistosity and Slaty Cleavage (Classic Reprint)
Mechanics of the Panama Canal Slides (Classic Reprint)
The Witwatersrand and the Revolt of the Uitlanders - Scholar's Choice Edition
Experiments on Schistosity and Slaty Cleavage
Notes on the Stratigraphy of California
Reconnaissance of the Gold Fields of Southern Alaska; With Some Notes on General Geology
Experiments on Schistosity and Slaty Cleavage Volume 241
Atomic Weight Determinations Volume 27; A Digest of the Investigations Published Since 1814
Finite Homogeneous Strain, Flow and Rupture of Rocks
Relations Between Local Magnetic Disturbances and the Genesis of Petroleum Volume 401
Atomic Weight Determinations Volume 27, No. 1; A Digest of the Investigations Published Since 1814
Atomic Weight Determinations; A Digest of the Investigations Published Since 1814
Reconnaissance of the Gold Fields of the Southern Appalachians
Geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District, with Atlas
Smithsonian Mathematical Tables
The Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Feldspars, Part 1
The Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Feldspars
Relations Between Local Magnetic Disturbances and the Genesis of Petroleum
Reconnaissance of the Gold Fields of Southern Alaska
The Witwatersrand and the Revolt of the Uitlanders