Umasankar Sunyogi is a well-known and respected, fully enlightened yogi, an authentic yogi of the ancient Vedic school, which is rare to find these days when yoga has lost its former glory and integrity at the expense of commercial interests. Sunyogi is a true scientist because he has dedicated his life to the study of our physical world and nature through observation and experience, by spiritual practice and by experimenting with himself. Today Sunyogi travels the world to teach Sunyoga and spread its message of universal peace. Sunyogi is also a recognized skilled acupressure therapist, an ancient art that he has taught across the world over the years. Sunyogi was born on June 22, 1967 in the small village of Lachhipur in West Bengal outside Kolkata in India, an area known as the birth-place of many prominent prophets and yogis. Despite growing up in a Hindu family, he never bothered which creed, color or social class we humans have, believing that what truly matters is wanting to reach agreement through peace and friendship. Early in his youth he developed deep philosophical questions like What is the purpose of life? His hunger to get answers to these questions drove his spiritual zeal to understand more of the world we live in. Later, after becoming a successful electrical engineer and businessman, he was initiated by his mother in Kryia Yoga and went to Pondicherry ashram to focus 100% on finding the answers to his philosophical questions.