Peggy Rowe Ward received Dharma teacher Transmission form Thich Nhat Hanh in 2000 at Plum Village, France. She has a Doctorate in adult education and a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. She has published in professional adult education journals on women’s stories of coming into voice, Her doctoral publications are connected to community centered dreamwork. She has had short essays published in In Our Own Voice (1992) and in The Mindfulness Bell. She co-authored Making Friends with Time (2000) with Tracy Sarriugarte.

Larry Ward has celebrated over 30 years as a Christian minister. He received Dharma teacher transmission from Thich Nhat Hanh in 2000 in Plum Village, France. Larry was an executive director in an international organization engaged in human development programs in 52 countries. He has lived for extended periods in Hong Kong, India, and the Caribbean. He has published articles and poems for Emerging Lifestyles, Edges, and The Mindfulness Bell magazines. In 2006 he was commissioned by the United Nations to write a paper on mindfulness and leadership.