Prue was born in Australia and studied history and politics at the University of Tasmania. She has worked as a hotel cleaner, a cosmetician in a major department store, and a bookseller. But most properly she has been a journalist/researcher for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation where she met her husband, also a journalist and subsequently a media executive, now a communications consultant and farmer. She now farms in Tasmania with her husband, in a cropping and grazing operation. She spent almost ten years as a state coordinator for the cancer therapy program Look Good Feel Better and time as walker for Riding for the Disabled and for the local Dogs' Home. She has two adult children, two dogs, and claims she has too much garden and too little time to write. Prue writes historical fantasy for which A Thousand Glass Flowers (Book Three of the quartet, The Chronicles of Eirie) received a silver medallion in the 2012 Readers' Favorite Book Awards in the USA. She also writes historical fiction, for which Gisborne: Book of Pawns received an Honourable Mention in the 2012 Golden Claddagh Writing Contest (USA), a 2013 Rone Award (USA) and a 2014 Indie Book Readers' Appreciation Group's gold medallion (USA). The Huffington Post has done a story on her work and she has been interviewed a number of times by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. She has concluded Tobias, the first in an historical fiction trilogy called The Triptych Chronicle and which escalated to Top 100 with (Biographical Fiction) within a day of being released. She has also completed two fantasy short stories which are to be published as e-books in 2015. Each of her e-novels have ranked unbroken in's Top 100 since publication and continue to rank, for which she thanks all her readers! She is currently writing the second in The Triptych Chronicle, entitled Guillaume.