Nikki Baker was born in 1962. In the Game was her first novel, tossed off as a bit of lark and diversion, and published by Barbara Grier and Donna McBride's Naiad Press in 1991. Written in the spirit of pulp fiction, featuring a black lesbian as hero, her Virginia Kelly mystery series charmed readers instantly. The Lavender House Murder, set in Provincetown, followed in 1992. By the time the third book, Long Goodbyes, appeared in 1993, a substantial audience had grown and the second book nominated for a Lambda Literary Lesbian Mystery Award. Kelly's final appearance, The Ultimate Exit Strategy, was published in 1996. Ms Baker, throughout, remained a bit mysterious herself. In the 25 years since, fans have continued to clamour for fresh adventures, and ponder about Kelly's ongoing relationships. ReQueered Tales is proud to restore this engaging series to print and thanks the retiring Ms Baker for coming out of retirement this little bit. A whole new generation of fans await and many friends are ready to renew their acquaintance with Virginia Kelly.