About the Author

Dawn grew up in England as one of only a handful of people who first watched The Rolling Stones perform in the earliest days as a band. Now, fifty years later, the music of the Stones can be heard playing somewhere in the world every minute of every day.

Dawn appears from time to time in books and papers. as one of the women who, courtesy of Mr. Brian Jones, who founded the greatest rock and roll band in the world, has had a child by him in her case a son, Paul Andrew.

Dawn was made to suffer, like so many other teenagers of the sixties, from a system that didn't allow them a say in the fate of their children. She decided to share her story in the hope that it would strike a chord with others who have been through tough times and were victims of harsh and unjust systems, and for those who feel isolated as a result.

Dawn now lives in Northern Idaho with her husband.