26 books
Buddhist and Christian Gospels, Vol. 1 of 2
Buddhist Christian Gospels
Buddhist Texts Quoted as Scripture - Scholar's Choice Edition
English and American Poems
Buddhist and Christian Gospels Volume 2
Buddhist & Christian Gospels; Being Gospel Parallels from Pāli Texts [Reprinted with Additions] Now First Compared from the Originals
Hymns of the Faith (Dhammapada); Dhammapada Being an Ancient Anthology Preserved in the Short Collection of the Sacred Scriptures of the Buddhists
Buddhist and Christian Gospels (Volume 1); Now First Compared from the Originals Being "Gospel Parallels from P?li Texts"
Buddhist and Christian Gospels Now First Compared from the Originals
Buddhist Texts Quoted as Scripture
A Duet with Omar / By Albert J. Edmunds
Buddhist Texts Quoted as Scripture by the Gospel of John; A Discovery in the Lower Criticism. (John VII. 38; XII. 34.)
Has Swedenborg's Lost Word Been Found (1913)
Buddhist & Christian Gospels. Being Gospel Parallels from Pali Texts [Reprinted with Additions] Now First Compared from the Originals
A Duet with Omar
Fairmount Park and Other Poems
The Armenian Version of Mark; A Sonnet. Together with Fairmount Park and Other Poems
English and American Poems; First Series
The Open Court
History Simplified
Buddhist and Christian Gospels (Volume 2); Now First Compared from Originals
Buddhist and Christian Gospels, Volume 1
Buddhist & Christian Gospels
Buddhist Texts Quoted as Scripture by the Gospel of John