49 books • 11 series
In 2015 Dan Sugralinov discovered the existence of LitRPG. He devoured everything that had been written in that genre until he finally decided to write a title of his own. He published his first LitRPG book, Level Up, in 2017.
Path of Spirit (Disgardium Book #6) (Disgardium Book, #6)
Holy War
Holy War (Disgardium Book #V) (Disgardium, #5)
Apostel der Schlafenden Götter (Disgardium Buch #2) (Disgardium, #2)
The Destroying Plague (Disgardium, #3)
Resistance (Disgardium Book #4) (Disgardium, #4)
The Destroying Plague (Disgardium Book #3) (Disgardium, #3)
Gefahrenklasse A (Disgardium Buch #1) (Disgardium, #1)
Blood of Fate (World 99, #1)
Apostle of the Sleeping Gods (Disgardium)
Blood of Fate (World 99 Book #1) (World 99, #1)
Die letzte Prüfung (Nächstes Level Buch 3) (Nachstes Level, #3)
Apostle of the Sleeping Gods (Disgardium Book #2) (Disgardium, #2)
Held (Nächstes Level +2) (N chstes Level, #2)
The Final Trial (Level Up, #3)
Class-A Threat (Disgardium, #1)
Class-A Threat (Disgardium Book #1) (Disgardium, #1)
The Hero (Level Up, #2)
Neustart (Nächstes Level +1) (Nachstes Level, #1) (N chstes Level, #1)
The Final Trial (Level Up +3) (Level Up, #3)
Level Up (Level Up: The Knockout, #1)
Hero (Level Up +2) (Level Up, #2)