Heidi Yi has worked as professional make-up artist and beauty therapist in QLD and NSW. She has won both makeup and business awards and, in 2007, achieved great success when launching her own brand of cosmetics, called Heidi Yi. Passionate about makeup and helping clients achieve the most beautiful results possible, in 2008 she wrote and self-published the first edition of pro make up by heidi, which was picked up by a distributor and appeared in 500 bookstores Australia-wide. In 2018, Heidi published a revised and fully updated edition, re-named Pro Makeup and Essential Skincare for Everyday Beauty. Buoyed by her self-publishing success, Heidi wrote a how-to book on the process, which was also updated in 2018 and re-published as How to Self-Publish Your First Book. Capturing all her learnings from her steady business growth, she encapsulated them into her next book, Big Tips for Small Business. Embracing this new medium for her work, Heidi retired her popular online video tutorials, Make-up Tutorials by Heidi, that were designed specifically to help Asian women with common makeup mistakes and turned it into a practical guide called, Let's Talk Foundation! Heidi has just completed her fifth book, a deeply personal account of her journey back to health after cancer, called The DeTerminator: From Powder Puff to Chemo. All products are available for purchase through her website www.heidiyi.com