18 books • 6 series
How to Grow a Navy (Cass Series: Naval Policy and History)
A New Type of Great Power Relationship Between the United States and China
Naval Transformation, Ground Forces, and the Expeditionary Impulse: the Sea-Basing Debate
The Real "Long War": The Illicit Drug Trade and the Role of The Military (Enlarged Edition)
Understanding Victory (War, Technology, and History)
Asia’s Naval Expansion (Adelphi)
Great Britain Gambles with the Royal Navy
Seapower. Cass Series: Naval Policy and History.
Seapower. Cass Series
The Future of Navies in a Globalising World (Adelphi Papers)
Naval Aviation (Sea Power: Naval Vessels, Weapons Systems & Technology S., Vol 12)
Seapower (Cass Series: Naval Policy and History, #32)
East/West Naval Balance in the 1990's (Studies in contemporary maritime strategy & policy)
Britain and N. A. T. O.'s Northern Flank
The Sea in Soviet Strategy
Maritime Stratgy
Maritime Strategy and the Nuclear Age
Airpower and Royal Navy, 1914-45