153 books
Mess with my daughter and from a place you will not see
As a matter of fact my world does revolve around my horse
There aren't many things I love more than hunting
I will quilt on a boat i will quilt with a goat
Mom is my favorite
Yes, he's hunting no, I don't know
It's not just a hobby it's my escape from reality
He sent me my son
Best Bow Hunter
Life is better with fishing
But in my head i'm fishing
I was thinking about fishing
Dad The fish whisperer
Sorry girl this buck is already taken
Feet Down Guns Up That's the way
Some People wait a lifetime to meet their favorite duck hunting
Some people have to wait their whole life to meet their hunting
Feet Down Guns Up That's the way we light em'up
I'm not anti social I'd just rather be in the woods hunting
Good Job For You
I am a Duck Hunter
Texas Bow Hunter
Don't mount the Gun too soon
Shovelers Unlimited