13 books • 7 series
Sedgemoor, 1685
Sedgemoor 1685: Marlborough's First Victory
Blenheim 1704 (Campaign, #141)
Marston Moor 1644 (Osprey Campaign S., #119)
Ironsides (Warrior S., #44) (Warrior)
Edgehill 1642 (Osprey Campaign S., #82) (Osprey Campaign S., #82)
The Spanish Armada
The British Army 1660-1704 (Men-at-Arms, #267)
Soldiers of the English Civil War (2) (Elite, #27)
Armada Contributions
Elizabeth's Army and the Armada
The Armada Campaign, 1588 (Elite, #15)
Armies of the Sedgemoor Campaign, 1685