110 books • 7 series
Biographical Sketches of the Fathers of New England; Intended to Acquaint Youth with the Lives, Characters and Sufferings of Those Who Founded Our Civil and Religious Institutions
A Concise History of Massachusetts, from Its First Settlement (and for Fourteen Years, the History of All New England)
The Early Life of Washington; Designed for the Instruction and Amusement of the Young
Concise History of Massachusetts
Conversations on the History of Massachusetts, from Its Settlement to the Present Period; For the Use of Schools and Families
Grandma and Grandpa Weisbecker
Gorgeous, the Sum of All Your Glorious Parts
Diet and Exercise (Collins GEM)
Dieting (Collins GEM)
Caribbean Blues
I Ching (Pocket Prophecy S.)
Serving the City
Stop That Witch!
Within Each Day