121 books • 6 series
Spiders (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1017)
Sir Isaac Newton (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1059)
Christian Missionaries to Know (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1096)
Cowboys (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1150)
Advanced Astronomy (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1088)
Forces (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1091)
Disneyland (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1098)
Anglo-Saxons (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1097)
The Girl in the Rag Coat (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1068)
The Red Clogs (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1094)
California (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1084)
Native Americans of Northern California (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1090)
Mike & Mary Anne and the Steam Shovel (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1070)
Martin Luther King Jr. (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1055)
Galaxies (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1081)
All about Ping (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1079)
North Carolina (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1080)
Predators of the Deep (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1077)
Saint Patrick's Day (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1062)
Blueberry Sal (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1063)
The French Revolution (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1060)
The Romans in Britain (In the Hands of a Child: Custom Designed Project Pack, #1092)
Horses (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack, #1036)
Fencing: Ancient to Modern (In the Hands of a Child: Project Pack Continent Study, #1148)