31 books • 8 series
Mistress of Terror and Other Stories
The Smithsonian Book of Presidential Trivia
The Unholy Goddess and Other Stories
Halo of Spears
The Lady of the Yellow Death and Other Stories
The Tongueless Horror and Other Stories
Private Detective Stories #2
Look-It-Up Book of Presidents (Rev.Ed) (Look-It-Up Books (Paperback))
Stephen Decatur (Discovery Biographies)
Jim Beckwourth
Success in Bowling Through PR
Ponce De Leon (Discovery Biographies S.)
Wonder of Sharks
The Look-It-Up Book Of Presidents
Thor Heyerdahl
Wonders of Sharks
Look-It-Up Bk Presdnts
Skunks (Skylight Book)
The Incas and the Spanish Conquest
Wonders of Raccoons
Bowleg Bill
Wonders of the Turtle World
Science Catches the Criminal
Wonders of Frogs and Toads (Dodd, Mead Wonders Books)