Gloria Nixon and her husband Roger live in the Flint Hills of rural Wabaunsee County, Kansas. They enjoy attending local farm auctions where Roger searches for woodworking tools and Gloria keeps an eye open for a feedsack or two. That s how she found her first dress print bags some ten years ago. She also collects Kansas City Star patterns and old quilt ephemera. Gloria is a quilt history researcher who especially enjoys studying individuals and the contribution each made to quilt history. She is a member of the American Quilt Study Group (AQSG), the Iowa Illinois Quilt Study Group (IIQSG) and the Feedsack Memories discussion group. Her articles appear in Pieces of Time: A Quilt and Textile History Magazine. This is her first book with Kansas City Star Quilts.
Feb 1, 2015
Cover of Rag Darlings

Rag Darlings

Feb 1, 2010
Cover of Feedsack Secrets

Feedsack Secrets