Kathy Lyons is the wild, adventurous half of USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee. A lover of all things fantastical, Kathy spent much of her childhood in Narnia, Middle Earth, Amber, and Earthsea, just to name a few. Her love of comedy came later as she began to see the ridiculousness in life. Winner of several industry awards including the Prism-Best of the Best, Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice, and Fresh Fiction's Steamiest Read, Kathy has published over sixty romance novels and is still going strong. Her hobbies include racquetball, rollerblading, and tv/movie watching with her husband. She's a big fan of the Big Bang Theory (even though it's over) and her favorite movie is The Avengers because she loves everything created by Joss Whedon. She's usually found at the loudest table in the coffee shop or next to the dessert bar.