38 books • 20 series
Climate Change
Human Health (Climate Change Impact)
Fatal Doses: Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opioids
The Asian American Experience (Who We Are)
Healthy Oceans: Why They Matter
The History of Anime and Manga
The Deadliest Infectious Diseases
Social Media Hate Speech (The Risks of Social Media)
Growing Up in India (Growing Up Around the World)
Growing Up in Japan (Growing Up Around the World)
Thinking Critically: Police Powers (Thinking Critically)
Is Social Media Good for Society? (Issues in Society)
Are Video Games Harmful?
What Are the Consequences of Climate Change? (Issues in Society)
Cell Phones (Matters of Opinion)
Steve Jobs and Apple (Technology Titans)
What Is Bipolar Disorder? (Understanding Mental Disorders)
Reed Hastings and Netflix (Technology Titans)
Video Games and Youth (Video Games and Society)
How Do Cell Phones Affect Society? (Cell Phones and Society)
Climate Change (2014 Ed) (Thinking Critically)
Thinking Critically: Video Games and Violence (Thinking Critically (Reference Point))
Thinking Critically: Gun Control and Violence (Thinking Critically (Reference Point))
Thinking Critically: Social Networking (Thinking Critically (Reference Point))